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Saturday, April 07, 2012

Yo i am back! Im sure this is definitely one of the longest break inbetween my blog entries, but pardon me, been way too busy as well as lazy. I would say life in SIM definitely was way better than my initial expectation, and with fun loving people around me in school, and not to forget my jc basketball cliques, classmates and sec school clique that i would spend time hanging out with during weekends. No doubts im no longer young and i should think about my future, but for now, just let me enjoy the last few years of student life before embarking into adulthood and face all the office politics and craps out in the corporate world. Maybe its just me being so non-chalant about this, but i dont see the need to stress yourself out with your future, i mean just take a step at a time and when opportunities comes, just grab it. No point keep on thinking what road you should take when it's not like whatever you plan will definitely work out, simply because economy is so dynamic that you'll never know what's going to happen next. So for my matured friends who already planned ahead, good for you, for those who don't fret not! :D

Well, i'll start with my life in SIM for these past few months. Basically, just hanging out with student representative council friends and my orientation camp friends. Life inside student council will defiintely be more happening than the norm, because of the friends you have made, and the events there is for you to join as well as the cohesion organised for your individual departments. I would say my life would be boring and basically just going school for lecture then heading home if not for student council, late night meetings then supper, joining different events together and more. Also, im glad that there's always people organizing futsal socer at ulu pandan and basketball sessions, am glad to stay fit & healthy! Nevermind how people says im busy and happening in school, i still do value my friendships forged in the past and would make time for everyone! Lectures have been boring, but certainly the content and exams paper is tough. But getting late for lectures have been a norm, which idk why also, always couldnt wake up in time, kept snoozing!

To sum up what i did over this past few months would be just participating in different events organized by the council, which is dodgeball, challenge shield, inter-collegiate sports, city venture, pageant and bash as well as the holding of our own event, handball! I gotta say there's definitely some takeaway from organizing events for the school's population. What i can remember is I went malaysia to play go-kart and paintball plus a seafood dinner with my handball event peeps! Also had a great chinese new year by catching up with my cousins and relatives from both mom and dad's side. Been attending guitar lessons at yamaha for quite sometime and its coming to an end, so thinking if i should go learn keyboard or take up singing classes after this. Just want to do more meaningful and productive stuffs while i still have the time as a student. Plans to go overseas after exams also put on pending and most disappointed of all, my diving trip was cancelled! Was really looking forward to it though!

Lastly, as a student, the only thing that you will be worried for, would be exams. UOL papers are kind of tough and the content is quite difficult to comprehend. For me, i think its rather last minute cause i started mugging only after prelims and lacked of the motivation and determination to mug like during A levels, sloppy progress. Im only starting to go full force like tomorrow onwards when my exams is in like less than 1 months time! I hope i would be able to clear all my papers! May heaven smile upon me!

There's definitely alot of things i want to do after exams like travelling overseas, acquiring new skills, gain more exposure in life, start going for basketball trainings, go on fishing trips, find a banking or investment related job to gain some experience. Anyway, life isnt all about getting into a relationship, dating and all sorts but rather to me is about how you spend your life to the fullest and enjoying your singlehood, but in my opinion, not to stereotype, some guys in SIM is like a desperate, and just getting the message across, get a life man.

TianShui was here =D
@9:02 AM

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hellooooo guys, how long has it been since i last blogged! Actually been wanting to update this blog since ages ago but always couldn't find the time and slowly memories are piling up! Let me pick it up from where i left off. The feeling of completing national service is definitely great but i do miss all the memories i had for the past 2 years of army life and the friendships i've gained inside. Anyway to update abit, i went for LASIK surgery as well as i've added in Alexius in my ic. I'm also waiting to go for guitar lessons at yamaha when im free, as well as pondering if i should go get my bike license!

Alright, to further update you guys abit! Im currently studying in SIM under university of london taking degree in banking and finance. Im aiming for first class honors but after going through 2 months of school, kind of think that it's impossible! Guess i would be contented with just second upper! Well, life in SIM isn't as bad as what i've expected. My initial impression of SIM students is that they will be just going to school for lectures and then head home once lecture ends, what i've heard from my SIM friends. But apparently i beg to differ. Or maybe i'm just lucky! I shall give a summary of what i've been doing this past 2 months or so in SIM.

Before the school officially started for year 1, we had a compulsory freshmen orientation day, where we will be in our og of 28 people and then start to play ice breaking games, go to different game stations to play games and then get to know more about SIM for a day! I guess everyone in the og is nice and very rowdy as we would stir shit online in our facebook group and we met up quite often after our orientation. Then after that there is this freshmen orientation camp, where we have to apply and hope to be selected on random basis or idk how the selection process is like. Apparently there's like more than 700 people applying for it and only 288 people selected and im one of the lucky few! Its a 3d2n camp and we did quite a number of things, like the first day we went to sentosa and played games at different games station, then at night there's the secret pal preview where we were blind folded and will be talking to our secret pal. Kind of awkward though. Then the second day is our amazing race at town area then at night is our secret pal night, where we will be revealed to our individual sp. Then after dinner, its the SP walk where we go to different station with our sp and play the games. Last day of the camp is where we have to come up with a skit and perform! Thats about it for the orientation camps! OG7 ftw! I think we are quite close, for that we will meet for lunch everytime after lessons or before lessons and we everytime have outings! :D

Life when school has started is even more happening, or should i say hectic! Firstly, there is this Student Representitive Council interview and out of the many applicants, im lucky to be selected inside, and was chosen to be in the handball event committee! One bad thing about this is that it really requires alot of commitment, be it meeting or getting work done! and sadly im the marketing ic and have to do many things. but nevertheless, its quite an experience! There's like meeting every week and supper-ing after that! Then we have outings and bondings also, like ktv sessions, sports chalet, barrage, sentosa and more to come! Really glad to be in handball with interesting and fun peeps, and never forget the quality over quantity! :D But we are one sports family after all! Everyone else in sports is nice also, especially peeps from challenge shield too! Alright basically that sums up the life im getting in SIM, not to forget im a full-time student too! Life's getting stressful even though it has only started for 2 months! The teaching pace is super fast and the things u have to learn is damn tough! Kind of struggling now, and im surprised that im so much hardworking now then when im in MI. Im practically studying everytime when im free now! Need to work hard for my goal!

Im kind of satisfied with the life im having now! And definitely not forgetting my other friends! I shall update again when theres more interesting things to blog about, soon! :D take care guys and keep smiling! :D

TianShui was here =D
@10:00 PM

Friday, June 17, 2011

And again im back here after months! Finally im completing my national service and past few months is seriously occupied with courses, course after course after course. But nevertheless, i've made it through the training of 'i said what mean what what'. Apparently, it wasn't as bad as expected, because i guess he didn't really blow his top on us during trainings. Well, lightstrike conversion course marks the end of my service term and the beginning of my civilian life! I've got only 1 month before i actually ORD, but i cant really make up my mind as to what i want to do after i ORD.

My initial plan is to complete NS and move on to a local university, stay in hostel and pursue the course im interested in. But now, after being rejected by all 3 local university, i'm feeling super lost. Im wondering if i should work first then go overseas to study or just simply study at SIM to get a degree. I've got no idea. Anyway, there are some things in my mind that i'm pending to acheive, which is going for a LASIK surgery as well as adding alexius to my ic. I still have other things in mind, but have not made plans for it yet. Like going for bike license, guitar lessons and travelling overseas for a shortget away with friends. I guess im not in a rush to settle all these, and right now whats most important is what's my decision regarding the further of my studies.

Just a piece of my mind, im seriously fucking sick of the office politics. I know its a norm everywhere, but i just can't get used to the fact that people can actually be so superficial and hypocritical. What may seem so righteous and justifiable is only mere sugarcoating. And what is preach isn't being acted upon. So tell me, isn't it right to remain skeptical whenever promises are being made? While acting like you are concern with the morale issues with your man, you've seriously overlooked the issue concerning your commanders. Whereby i swear to my heart when i'm tasked to do things, i seriously give my best. So when things goes well, we don't claim the credit, but when shit happens, we are the one being tanking all the hits. Well, rather than being pissed off, im more disappointed with the management and the organization. And thank God im out of here in a month's time.

Well guess what, its already 1 year since i last gotten my class 3 driving license and that means no more P plate! And and i've decided that honda integra will be my first car when i come out to work, though its kind of farfetched. And pardon for being so random, but i seriously don't get how people change their attitude towards you all of a sudden when nothing has gone wrong. I just hate it when people can actually leave you and come back so nonchalantly treating nothing has ever happened. Oh well. Im feeling tired to thinking of anything to type already. Bye world.

TianShui was here =D
@10:06 PM

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Its been awhile! Apparently, i sure most of you guys didn't know that i went for my jaw operation recently. A childhood injury incurred when i was young. And because of this operation, im having my 1 month mc, a short break i guess. In the long run, im sure i would look better but the process seriously is a pain in the ass. This is the 2nd week, and im feeling much better. 1st week was hell for me. Although most of the swelling has came down, theres still some visible swelling and my jaw still hurts as well. I've been going on a soft diet, porridge w/o any ingredient as i cannot bite and all the liquid consumption, and guess what, i've lost 6 kg! oh man, for someone like me where gaining weight is a chore, its troubling! All i wish is that my recovery is much faster than the norm which takes up to months, and that i can bite normally and feast on all the good food, and continue with my gym sessions as well as playing basketball! i want to sing as well! :) this 2 weeks, all i've done was rotting at home and visiting national dental center almost every single day. theres nothing productive that im proud of doing man! i really need to do something productive next week, which im not sure of too.

also, i've just submitted my university application to ntu, nus and smu. i guess its inevitable to worry that i couldn't get into any course, isnt it? all im wishing for is to get into economics at least, or better, business. and if i really get into econs, i guess i will start revising after june before my uni starts because i really forgot quite a fair bit of stuffs. and im looking forward to stay in hostel! im still counting down, am left with 4 months 3 days to ORD date. :)

there's some questions that i've been pondering about and i've been searching for answers. i guess, im really lost ever since the day i was born and no one's gonna guide me and nothing's gonna answer me.

TianShui was here =D
@8:34 PM

Monday, February 07, 2011

this short chinese new year break is quite fruitful and i really enjoyed it, even though most of it is spent in malaysia with my cousins and relatives, but i believe its quite well spent. i love the companion of my cousins and i feel relaxed and carefree over at malaysia. it's kind of like a short getaway you know. nevertheless, to me, a chinese new year is like a brand new year with a brand new luck. and according to the chinese zodiac, those born in the year of snake is kind of unlucky, what you call 'fan tai shui' in chinese for the year of 2010. and apparently, mine was pretty much unlucky to the max, be it in whatever aspect. but this year it will be a new luck again. and it was a great start because when comes to gambling, my luck has be unusually good compared to the last few years, to the point that it is kind of scary. but nevertheless, i do hope my luck doesnt only come in financial form, but also a great health to both me and my family and to the ones around me too.

i cant believe this blog has actually survived all the way from 2005 to 2011. and in between this 6 years, i guess i had a hell load of fun and excitement, though most i would call it just experience. time seriously flies and i can't help not to deny that im kind of old. in just another maybe 10 years time, i would most probably have my family, my career and my children. well, it's kind of far fetched isn't it. nonetheless, i still hope to keep this blog up and running till then, so all my memories will be here, and that i can just reminisce about my past with just a click. i just hope my life from here on will be better than expected in all aspect.

its about time to book in again. mundane life of mine! anyway i believe with the right attitude and a positive mindset, anything is possible! keep smiling friends. au revior! :)

TianShui was here =D
@4:59 AM

Saturday, January 01, 2011

lets bid goodbye to 2010 and welcome 2011. time passes in a blink of an eye, in an instance, yet another year has passed. well, there no regrets for 2010, only room for memories. and i've been pretty unlucky for the year 2010. why? i shall not go into it, whats past is past. lets just hope that 2011 will be better for me, as well as for everyone.

the following are the few new year resolutions i have for myself.
i guess im not ready to move on as it is. apparently i do hope that i'll get into another relationship but i guess im not really into it. life's been great as a single, and theres no commitment to anything. is that why so many people are staying single. all this time i wanted to break away from this feelings for u that has already etched deep in my heart, though it took me years to do it. but now that i've finally break free from it, its either that i lost the feel to get into another relationship or its just so hard to fall that madly in love with someone else anymore. idk. either way, things are going fine as it is. its a new year, so it shall be a new start for me.

as for 2011, i guess it would be a happening year. it marks the end of national service on the month of july as well as the start of my university life in august! all this while i've been looking forward to university life, but i wonder how i would fare academically considering the duration i've not touch the books. but nevertheless, im anticipating it! :)

even when i've lost direction in life, the only thing i can do is to live life to its fullest, and i would carry this smile of mine everyday to make sure if my friends are feeling down, i would be the one to bring joy to them, be the light to their darkness. :) just want to let you peeps know, you are not alone! keep smiling!

TianShui was here =D
@10:59 PM

Sunday, December 12, 2010

well, firstly i don't think updating my blog is a chore, but rather its a diary where i keep all my memories for future reference and just a platform to express my thoughts. but apparently, twitter is a better platform to express my thoughts as and when i like as well as telling everyone the current happenings around, but i still believe blogs allow me to express it in a greater details. so if i don't update my blog, it's not because that im lazy, but rather i feel that theres no need to or that my life is simply mundane.

nevertheless, i shall take some time off just to update this blog. personally, i felt that there are changes in me. whether the changes are good or bad, im not too sure yet, but certainly im not who i used to be, maybe in just the slightest way. but definitely one thing im sure of, is that i've been contradicting my own beliefs as well as principles. im seriously losing myself, getting lost. i guess i just need time to sort things out. im not going into it but i hope i would be able to sort myself out.

december, reminds everyone of christmas. but seriously i dont see any anticipation from me, myself and i. life's pretty boring for me to look forward to anything. its been a pretty rough-sailing year for me, and i hope next year would be better. i've also planned some new year resolution already. okay, i realized this post seems pretty emo, but dont worry, im not. its also a closing and a summary of the whole year happenings and this year is quite fulfilling but at the same time, im pretty much exhausted from everything. i've been wanting a short getaway overseas but time don't allow.

i just found out that recently someone have moved on, and i hope you will be happy thats all. as for you, idk what has the future planned for us, but i will just follow my heart and act accordingly. then for some of my friends who just finished As, i think its time to plan ahead how to be productive for this holidays instead of rotting it away. for guys who are entering army, my advice would be enjoy while you can. =/

lastly i would like to update abit about the daily happenings in my life. yesterday went over to johor to shop at citysquare. bought a bag and contact lens. i realised the clothes over there are pretty similar from shops to shops. so i decided to go back to singapore to make my new year clothes purchase instead of over there at malaysia. bump into my cousin and aunt coincidentally. i've also had several meetups with different cliques as well as different individuals over the past few weekends. so life isnt that bad especially when i can meet you, have heart to heart talk with you and sing with you. i miss your voice like seriously. =)

thats all folks! tonight booking in again! decemeber's gonna be a fast month i suppose! remember, smiling helps, be it one way or another. so stay cheerful guys! =)

TianShui was here =D
@11:59 AM


Please smile while visiting my blog. =))


+ Alexius Lim Tian Shui
+ Cloud / Rain / Sky
+ 8.25.1989 / Virgo
+ 174cm / 58kg
+ HongwenPrimary / OutramSecondary / MillenniaInstitute / SingaporeArmedForces / SingaporeInstituteOfManagement
+ Basketball / Singing / Volleyball / Fishing
+ Open minded / Extrovert / Boisterous / Humourous
+ alexius.lts@hotmail.com



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